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MTECH Thermal Engineering

At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

Subject Name:- Advanced Thermodynamics

Subject Code:- MTE1101

CO1: Understand properties of pure substances. Represent various processes with steam on property diagrams, Apply and compare equations of state for real gases.
CO2: Derive Maxwell Relations, Clapeyrons Equation etc. and apply these for evaluation of thermodynamic properties.
CO3: Evaluate entropy change for flow and non-flow processes under steady and unsteady conditions.
CO4: Estimate thermodynamic properties of substances in gas or liquid state of ideal and real mixture.
CO5: Predict intermolecular potential and excess property behavior of multi-component systems. Study irreversible processes.

Subject Name:- Advanced Heat Transfer

Subject Code:- MTE1102

CO1: Analyze steady state and transient heat conduction problems of real life Thermal systems.
CO2: Analyze extended surface heat transfer problems and problems of phase change heat transfer like boiling and condensation.
CO3: Apply the basic principles of classical heat transfer in real engineering application.
CO4: Analyze the analytical and numerical solutions for heat transfer problem.
CO5: Understand the basic concepts of turbulence and their impact on heat transfer.
CO6: Analyze radiation heat transfer problems of various thermal systems.

Subject Name:- Numerical Methods & Computational Techniques

Subject Code:- MTE1103

CO1: Solve a set of algebraic equations representing steady state models formed in engineering problems.
CO2: Fit smooth curves for the discrete data connected to each other or to use interpolation methods over these data tables.
CO3: Predict the system dynamic behavior through solution of ODEs modeling the system.
CO4: Solve PDE models representing spatial and temporal variations in physical systems through numerical methods.
CO5: Demonstrate proficiency of using MATLAB,VB,ANSYS,EES etc., .

Subject Name:- Communication Skills

Subject Code:- MTE1106

CO1: Students are found to be confident while using English.
CO2: Engage in analysis of speeches or discourses and several articles.
CO3: Identify and control anxiety while delivering speech.
CO4: Write appropriate communications(Academic/Business).
CO5: Prepared to take the examinations like GRE/TOFEL/IELTS.
CO6: Identify and control the tone while speaking.
CO7: Develop the ability to plan and deliver the well-argued presentations.

Subject Name:- Thermal Engineering Lab

Subject Code:- MTE1107

CO1: Conduct test on heat transfer enhancement set-up, single-cylinder diesel engine, air conditioning set-up, centrifugal pump etc. to study their performance and analyze the results.
CO2: Draw and analyze performance curves of these machines/systems.
CO3: Analyze and apply the results obtained from the tests.

Subject Name:- Modeling and Analysis in Thermal Engineering

Subject Code:- MTE1201

CO1: Attempt modeling real life systems of interest in order to predict its dynamic behaviour.
CO2: Use simulation tools to determine dynamic response of system following external inputs.
CO3: Understand capabilities and limitations of various numerical and mathematical models.
CO4: Optimization of thermal systems, formulation, optimization methods.
CO5: Deep understanding on the governing equations for convection heat transfer; knowing thee dimensionless parameters.

Subject Name:- Mini-Project

Subject Code:- MTE1206

CO1: Identify methods and materials to carry out experiments/develop code.
CO2: Reorganize the procedures with a concern for society, environment and ethics.
CO3: Analyze and discuss the results to draw valid conclusions.
CO4: Prepare a report as per recommended format and defend the work.
CO5: Explore the possibility of publishing papers in peer reviewed journals/conference proceedings.

Subject Name:- Fluid Dynamics

Subject Code:- MTE1202

CO1: Understand and define basic fluid dynamic concept like continuum, surface forces ,stress tensor and vector fields, Eulerian and langrangian flow.
CO2: Define the motions of fluid elements and derive continuity equation,stream function and velocity potential.
CO3: Derive and apply Navier-stokes equation to various types of flow systems.
CO4: Apply Boundary layer theory concept, and able to derive solutions by various numerical methods.
CO5: Describe and analyze the different flow, velocity correlation and universal velocity distribution.
CO6: Examine and numerical analysis of PDE and providing techniques for interpreting and analyzing the behavior of numerical schemes.

Subject Name:- Seminar

Subject Code:- MTE1207

CO1: To enable students to aware about recent areas and technologies in thermal engineering and related area.
CO2: To enable students comprehend importance of system up gradation, improvement and application of new findings for human life.
CO3: To enable students to write technical report and presenting seminar work.
CO4: To enable students to aware about recent areas and technologies in thermal engineering and related area.

Subject Name:- Project Management and Intellectual Property Rights

Subject Code:- MTE2301

CO1: Enumerate and demonstrate fundamental terms such as copy-rights, Patents, Trademarks etc.
CO2: Interpret and follow Laws of copy-rights, Patents, Trademarks and various IP registration Processes to register own project research.
CO3: Exhibit the enhance capability to do economic analysis of IP rights, technology and innovation related policy issues and firms’ commercial strategies.
CO4: Develop awareness at all levels (research and innovation) of society to develop patentable technologies.
CO5: Apply trade mark law, copy right law, patent law and also carry out intellectual property audits.
CO6: Manage and safeguard the intellectual property and protect it against unauthorized use.

Subject Name:- Project Stage-I

Subject Code:- MTE2302

CO1: Identify problems and to plan methodologies to solve problems.
CO2: Carry out exhaustive literature review, study &evaluate collected literature critically and identify the gaps based on the review.
CO3: Select the specific problem for the study as a project.
CO4: Demonstrate technical writing while preparing project report and present it to evaluation committee to demonstrate presentation skills acquired.

Subject Name:- Project Stage-II

Subject Code:- MTE2401

CO1: Solve identified technical problem using acquired knowledge and skill.
CO2: Use latest equipment, instruments, software tools, infrastructure and learning resources available to solve the identified project problem. Procure resources, if required.
CO3: Interpret theoretical/experimental findings using available tools.
CO4: Compare the results obtained with results of similar studies.
CO5: Draw conclusions based on the results.

Subject Name:- Combustion Engineering

Subject Code:- MTE11E1a/2a

CO1: Understand and recognize System Conservation Laws, Reynolds Transport Theorem, Governing 3D Partial Differential Equations etc.,
CO2: Formulate and model, General Probability Density Function, Turbulent Pre-mixed and non premixed flames.
CO3: knowledge of fuel thermo-chemistry and fuel quality effects on emissions, engine technologies, engine combustion-related emissions and control technologies.
CO4: Extend their knowledge of fuels and engines to different situations of engineering context and professional practice.
CO5: Demonstrate the ability to engage in life-long learning.

Subject Name:- Utilization of Solar Energy

Subject Code:- MTE11E1b/2b

CO1: Describe measurement of direct, diffuse and global solar radiations falling on horizontal and inclined surfaces, Basic earth sun angles, Beam and diffuse radiations, Radiation on titled surfaces.
CO2: Analyze the performance by conducting research on flat plate collector, air heater and concentrating type collector.
CO3: Understand test procedures and apply these while testing different types of collectors.
CO4: Demonstrate and Design various types of thermal energy storage systems.
CO5: Analyze payback period and annual solar savings due to replacement of conventional systems.
CO6: Demonstrate the importance of solar energy effectively to increase awareness of it in society.

Subject Name:- Exergy Analysis of Thermal System

Subject Code:- MTE11E1c/2c

CO1: Identify and apply concepts, theorems of thermodynamics to the different thermal and fluid engineering system.
CO2: Analyze performance these systems by conducting experiments by applying heat balance method, Carnot cycle method and entropy generation methods.
CO3: Interpret and estimate exergy losses by, exergy calculations, exergetic efficiency, exergy charts.
CO4: Apply and concepts of exergy analyses in Specific applications to the analysis of power stations, refrigeration installations, Cryogenic systems and small capacity units.

Subject Name:- Energy Conservation and Management

Subject Code:- MTE11E1d/2d

CO1: Demonstrate energy management principles, identify need, organizing it. carry out energy auditing.
CO2: Conduct economic analysis of any industry or power plant, obtain conclusion and suggest it to industry.
CO3: Interpret financial appraisal methods, and thermodynamic analysis, and estimate financial budget of visited industry.

Subject Name:- Design of Heat Exchangers

Subject Code:- MTE11E1e/2e

CO1: Demonstrate and of heat exchanger design methodology, and design considerations.
CO2: Analyze performance of Heat exchanger by applying basic design theory.
CO3: Design and conduct experiment on one from double pipe, shell and tube, tube fin, plate type and plate-fin heat exchanger.
CO4: Demonstrate selection criteria of HEX and conduct an independent research to suggest suitable HEX.
CO5: Model and illustrate heat exchanger based on I-law and irreversibility.
CO6: Study and analyze losses in HEX, and upcoming advancements.

Subject Name:- Design of Air Conditioning System

Subject Code:- MTE11E1f/2f

CO1: Demonstrate Air-conditioning processes and psychometric.
CO2: Illustrate Ventilation, Necessity, Natural Ventilation, wind effect, Measurement of thermal comfort indices.
CO3: Formulate and solve problems of cooling, heating load calculations.
CO4: Design Air distribution, duct design for suitable problem.
CO5: Analyze Sound propagation, SPL, PWL, Sound Intensity, room acoustics and apply noise control techniques.

Subject Name:- Advanced Refrigeration

Subject Code:- MTE11E1g/2g

CO1: Formulate and solve vapour compression refrigeration and multi-stage vapour compression systems.
CO2: Study and identify various types of refrigerants and their properties., such as zeotropic, azeotropic etc.
CO3: Illustrate Nomenclature, Refrigerants, alternative refrigerants, CFC/HCFC phase-out regulations, action with lubricating oil, retrofitting, refrigerant blends, effects on refrigeration components.
CO4: Design and analyze vapour absorption system.
CO5: select refrigerant control techniques, and do piping designing for refrigeration plant.

Subject Name:- Hydraulic, Pneumatic and Fluidic Control

Subject Code:- MTE11E1h/2h

CO1: Describe control system and list types of control system and demonstrate their utility.
CO2: construct and design Hydraulic, Pneumatic or Fluidic Control valve, forces acting on valves indifferent type of flows.
CO3: Operate and maintain various hydraulic devices such as hydraulic brake, power steering, jack etc.
CO4: Design hydraulic circuits by selecting suitable components for a given application.
CO5: Operate and maintain various hydraulic devices such as hydraulic brake, power steering, jack etc Install, maintain, and troubleshoot various hydraulic systems.

Subject Name:- Advanced I.C. Engines

Subject Code:- MTE11E1i/2i

CO1: Illustrate fundamental and actual thermodynamic cycle analysis in IC engines.
CO2: Describe and simulate actual heat exchange and gas flows in combustion chamber.
CO3: Analyze combustion and apply remedial measures to avoid abnormal combustion in IC engine.
CO4: Apply various emission control system and modification to take corrective actions to reduce pollution.
CO5: Acquire and use knowledge of genetic algorithm to optimize real life problems.
CO6: Understand Modern trends coming in IC Engine technology.

Subject Name:- Pumps, Blowers and Compressors

Subject Code:- MTE11E1j/2j

CO1: Demonstrate Law of momentum, Vortex theory of Euler’s head. Hydraulic performance of pumps, Cavitation, .
CO2: Design of centrifugal pumps, axial flow pump and analyze their performance using engineering software’s etc.
CO3: Study types of fans and blowers, calculate their efficiency, stresses, and characteristics, draw performance characteristics.
CO4: Modeling of cooling tower fans Surging Design of blowers and fans.
CO5: Demonstrate and interpret performance analysis of Axial flow and centrifugal flow compressors.
CO6: Understand Modern trends coming in IC Engine technology.

Subject Name:- CAD-CAE

Subject Code:- MTE11E1k/2k

CO1: Demonstrate – Polynomial and spline interpolation, Bezier curves, B-splinesto surfaces representation, patches and composite surfaces.
CO2: Design and create Solid model assembly of thermal and fluid engineering system in CAD software.
CO3: Analyze simple Engineering problem by selecting appropriate Mesh generation.
CO4: Modeling and Meshing of Thermal and Fluid Flow equipment in CAD.
CO5: Simulate and demonstrate Thermal and Fluid systems by using ANSYS, EES, MATLAB etc.
CO6: Understand and simulate computer aided manufacturing.

Subject Name:- Nuclear Power Plant

Subject Code:- MTE11E1l/2l

CO1: Identify various energy sources, Indian Power Scenario, Nuclear Power Scenario in the World, Nuclear Power Scenario in India, Scope.
CO2: Describe Nuclear physics, reactor, classification and types of nuclear reactor, economics of power plant.
CO3: Illustrate effect of nuclear radiation on health, safety and licensing.
CO4: Analyze heat transfer from nuclear , heat flux radiation.
CO5: Analyze economics of nuclear power plant, load generation.

Subject Name:- Thermal Energy Storage

Subject Code:- MTE11E1m/2m

CO1: Survey litterateur on importance of energy transport and storage of thermal ,mechanical, electro-chemical energies etc.
CO2: Interpret and analyze energy storage and conversion performance from one to another.
CO3: Design system for Chemical energy storage (organic fuels) High temperature storage Compressed air energy storage.

Subject Name:- Steam Engineering

Subject Code:- MTH11E1n/2n

CO1: Explain working of different boilers and significance of mountings and accessories.
CO2: Use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for boiler performance assessment.
CO3: Understand theoretical and practical background in thermal systems, and will have a good understanding of energy conservation fundamentals. Students will have the ability to analyze thermal systems for energy conservation.
CO4: Design a steam piping system, its components for a process and also design economical and effective insulation.
CO5: Analyze a thermal system for sources of waste heat design a systems for waste heat recovery.
CO6: Design and develop controls and instrumentation for effective monitoring of the process.

Subject Name:- Cryogenic Engineering

Subject Code:- MTE12E3a/4a

CO1: Demonstrate and identify role of cryogenics in the industrial applications.
CO2: Describe mechanical, thermal, thermo-electric properties of cryogenic fluids.
CO3: Illustrate Ideal separation, properties of mixtures, Rectifiers column, separation of air, purification.
CO4: List and give details about various types of cryogenic refrigeration system, such as J-T Refrigeration systems, Philips refrigerator, Vuilleumier refrigerator, Solve refrigerator, G-M refrigerator.
CO5: Study and describe Insulation and storage systems in cryogenic engineering.
CO6: Design and develop controls and instrumentation for effective monitoring of the process.

Subject Name:- Steam and Gas Turbine

Subject Code:- MTE12E3b/4b

CO1: Illustrate properties of Steam, Draw P-V, T-s, H-s (Mollier) diagrams for steam, Describe Theoretical steam turbine cycle.
CO2: Demonstrate and analyze vortex flow, energy lines and reheat factors of steam turbines. Solve problems of finding performance steam turbine power plant.
CO3: Demonstrate simple brayton cycle for gas turbines analyze its performance on computer simulation, suggest suitable modification and then analyze it.
CO4: Study and apply various Performance improvement Techniques in steam and gas Turbines.
CO5: Design and suggest and analyze cooling accessories and protective material for steam turbine.

Subject Name:- Biomass Energy Systems

Subject Code:- MTE12E3c/4c

CO1: Illustrate relevance of biomass as energy source; enumerate advantages and disadvantages of biomass resources.
CO2: Survey and identify wasteland in India, suggest suitable biomass resource management.
CO3: Interpret biomass conversion processes, design gasification system and identify its use in SI and CI engines and analyze its performance.
CO4: Conduct an experiment and calculate load capacity, efficiency and identify maintenance, troubleshooting and exhaust emission problems.
CO5: Design and construct down draft gasifier, its Cooling–cleaning systems and Performance evaluation of a Down draft gasifier.

Subject Name:- Conservation of Energy in Buildings

Subject Code:- MTE12E3d/4d

CO1: Identify and demonstrate the demand supply gap of energy in Indian scenario.
CO2: Carry out experiment and energy audit of an industry/Organization. Draw conclusion and suggest mitigations to that industry.
CO3: Draw the energy flow diagram of an industry and identify the energy wasted or a waste stream.
CO4: Analyze and select appropriate energy conservation method to reduce the wastage of energy.
CO5: Evaluate the techno economic feasibility of the energy conservation technique adopted.

Subject Name:- Computational Fluid Dynamics

Subject Code:- MTE12E3e/4e

CO1: Identify applications of finite volume and finite element methods to solve Navier-Stokes equations.
CO2: Evaluate solution of aerodynamic flows. Appraise & compare current CFD software. Simplify flow problems and solve them exactly.
CO3: Design and setup flow problem properly within CFD context, performing solid using CAD package and producing grids via meshing tool.
CO4: Interpret both flow physics and mathematical properties of governing Navier-Stokes equations and define proper boundary conditions for solution.
CO5: Use CFD software to model relevant engineering flow problems. Analyse the CFD results. Compare with available data, and discuss the findings.

Subject Name:- Alternative Fuels for IC Engines

Subject Code:- MTE12E3f/4fK

CO1: Demonstrate Structure of petroleum, Refining process, Products of refining process, Select suitable fuels for use in SI engines. Understand various performances rating in SI engines.
CO2: Illustrate properties of petroleum products and classify them on their characteristic.
CO3: Describe and analyze Need for alternative fuels such as Ethanol, Methanol, LPG, CNG, Hydrogen and their manufacturing procedure.
CO4: calculate and estimate performance and emission characteristics of alternative fuels.
CO5: Analyze environmental effects of combustion of various fuels, suggest modification in their usage.

Subject Name:- Numerical Heat Transfer

Subject Code:- MTE12E3g/4g

CO1: Learn the concept of Numerical Heat Transfer and its application.
CO2: Explain boundary conditions and partial differential equations and formulation.
CO3: Analysis the conduction problems using Numerical technique.
CO4: Learn the converge methodology and techniques.
CO5: Write programme based 1-D and 2-D conduction problem using NHT.

Subject Name:- Micro Fluidics

Subject Code:- MTE12E3h/4h

CO1: Identify Application and changes of micro fluidics in the various engineering aspects.
CO2: Apply concept coquette flow, poiseuille flow, time phase flow throw micro channel of different c/s areas in real engineering problems.
CO3: Numerical analysis of capillary flow for a different material, fluids, cross section and boundary conditions.
CO4: Describe various electromagnetic field effects on flow of micro fluids, simulate forces DEP force on a dielectric sphere.
CO5: Design various micro fludic components such as channels, pumps, valves, sensors etc.

Subject Name:- Nano Technology

Subject Code:- MTE12E3i/4i

CO1: Demonstrate the understanding of length scales concepts, nanostructures and nanotechnology.
CO2: Identify and to compare various synthesis and characterization techniques involved in Nanotechnology.
CO3: Define and interpret the interactions at molecular scale.
CO4: Evaluate and analyze the mechanical properties of bulk nano-structured metals and alloys, nano-composites and carbon nanotubes.
CO5: Compare and analyze the effects of using nano particles over conventional methods.

Subject Name:- Boundary Layer Theory

Subject Code:- MTE12E3j/4j

CO1: Evaluate exact solution of Navier-stokes equation in boundary layer that exhibit small viscosity by applying mathematical, Numerical techniques.
CO2: Demonstrate boundary-layer equations in the spirit of Prandtl, Prandtl boundary-layer equations in two dimensions deduced by order-of-magnitude arguments, skin friction drag.
CO3: calculate and solve ODE’s for classical boundary-layer equations of Prandtl.
CO4: Formulate and develop Exact solutions of the classical boundary-layer equations,.
CO5: Analyze occurrence in steady flows, and at rear stagnation point of impulsively started cylinder, Goldsten singularity.

Subject Name:- Advanced Optimization Techniques

Subject Code:- MTE12E3k/4k

CO1: Enables to acquire mathematical methods and apply in engineering disciplines.
CO2: Apply methods of optimization to solve a linear, non-linear programming problem by various methods.
CO3: Optimize engineering problem of non linear-programming with/without constraints, by using this techniques.
CO4: Use of dynamic programming problem in controlling in industrial managements.
CO5: Simulate Thermal engineering system problem. Understand integer programming and stochastic programming to evaluate advanced optimization techniques.

Subject Name:- Jet& Rocket Propulsion

Subject Code:- MTE12E3l/4l

CO1: Apply knowledge of features and capabilities of chemical and non-chemical rocket propulsion systems.
CO2: Calculate the design thrust and overall efficiency of turbojet and turbofan engines, with and without afterburners, from given component performance.
CO3: Calculate the specific impulse and mass flow for a rocket engine with the fluid considered as an ideal gas with constant specific heats.
CO4: Estimate the specific impulse and mass flow for a rocket engine accounting for chemical reaction and non-constant specific heats.
CO5: Estimate the heat transfer rates in rocket nozzles and in aero-engine turbine components.
CO6: Design simple rocket propulsive system.

Subject Name:- Convective Heat Transfer

Subject Code:- MTE11E1m/2m

CO1: Describe Applications of Convective Heat transfer in various thermal systems.
CO2: Formulate and solve Navier-Stokes equations and energy equations in for various flow patterns and systems.
CO3: Simulate and distinguish convective heat transfer through laminar and turbulent boundary layer by using computer software’s e.g., MATLAB,CFD,EES etc.
CO4: Analyze natural and combined convection for flows through various channels by using numerical techniques.
CO5: Categorize and illustrate flows through porous media with applying energy equation for fully developed flows.

Subject Name:- Wind Energy Systems

Subject Code:- MTE12E3n/4

CO1: Identify and describe history of wind energy and its scope in future.
CO2: survey and analyze through a literature review world distribution of wind, Weibull statistic, variation in wind energy etc.
CO3: Conduct an experiment to use various wind energy measurement indicators, anemometers, and apply it to analyze and check data obtained from surveys.
CO4: Demonstrate and calculate performance parameters wind energy turbine.
CO5: Illustrate various electrical systems used in wind energy power plant.

Subject Name:- Research Methodology

Subject Code:- MTE12E5a

CO1: Understand and Describe importance of research.
CO2: Classify and select appropriate resources for Research.
CO3: Analyze the contents of literature and identify further scope.
CO4: Formulate a Research Problem.
CO5: Develop effective written and oral Presentation skills.

Subject Name:- Design of Experiments

Subject Code:- MTE12E5b

CO1: Define Taguchi, factorial experiments, variability, orthogonal array, quality loss.
CO2: Plan and design the experimental investigations efficiently and effectively.
CO3: Understand strategy in planning and conducting experiments.
CO4: Evaluate variability in the experimental data using ANOVA.
CO5: Practice statistical software to achieve robust design of experiments.

Subject Name:- Environmental Pollution Control

Subject Code:- MTE12E5c

CO1: Identify effects of industrialization on environmental pollution in various fields.
CO2: Describe photochemical smog, acid Rain, Greenhouse effect, ozone depletion, global warming.
CO3: Suggest pollution control techniques for vehicles, refrigeration, industries, chemical and power plant.
CO4: Do Case study on any industry and analyze carbon exertion rate, water pollution, soil pollution etc.
CO5: Design pollution control devices for vehicle, analyze and find out replacement CFC refrigerant with HC refrigerant.