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Important Link for Criteria III :- Research, Innovations and Extension

Ex. ID Ex. Sub ID Link to the relevant document
Resource Mobilization for Research
Research projects funded by government and non-government agencies
Innovation Ecosystem
Ecosystem for innovations and has initiatives for creation and transfer of knowledge:

Godavari College of Engineering always believe in Innovative thinking and supporting talent through the Innovative practices. The Institute is always motivating young students towards the upcoming opportunities in the global technologies. The innovation and Entrepreneurship activities are major cultivating things which help young professionals of institute to enhance their thinking towards entrepreneurship. Institute Innovation Council (IIC) – Godavari college of Engineering has kept its pace with fast moving culture of AICTE and Ministry of Education Govt. of India in inculcating the Innovation and Entrepreneurship culture. The institute has set up Institute Innovation Council (IIC). This provides an excellent platform for youngsters from institute and Teaching Faculties of all the departments good opportunities for Innovation. Institute tries to provide all Students right motivation towards entrepreneurship through various activities at the institute. Ecosystem for innovation – Institute has set up ecosystem for innovation, Start-up, Intellectual Property and Incubation cell through IIC to promote Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Various activities are done through the IIC this helps the Innovation and Entrepreneurship culture and tech knowledge transfer. Membership of professional – Also, institute has Membership of professional bodies like ASM and IEEE and helping Students and Faculties to enrich with the knowledge available globally. Research lab – Institute also has Research lab Set up in Mechanical Engineering Department which is helping Researchers in their work.
Workshops/seminars conducted on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and entrepreneurship
Research papers per teachers in the Journals
Papers published in national/ international conference proceedings and Books and chapters in edited volumes/books published
Extension Activities
Extension activities are carried out in the neighborhood community, sensitizing students to social issues, for their holistic development, and impact thereof :

Godavari College of Engineering encourages the faculty and students to participate and arrange the programs which contribute to societal awareness for various issues. The Godavari College of Engineering arranges activities of social importance. There are different student clubs/associations in the college monitored by faculty coordinator & students volunteers.
Rotaract club of Godavari is one such division of Rotary international, through which students take part in social activities and also arrange such activities of important for society. The activities of institute social outreach programs include organization of awareness programs for environment, Cleanliness of neighbourhood, sensitisation of students and faculties of institute through activities foe Birds and animals, Blood donation camps, competitions of students through poster presentation, Patriotic Rangoli exhibitions, tree plantation etc. Personality Improvement through subjects like Basic Human Right programs are also undertaken by the institute for social development of students. From such social initiative faculties and students have become more and more sensitised towards social awareness. This helps everyone including students of the institute in the holistic development and get ready to take initiative towards socially responsivities as a responsible citizen in the society. Institute provides necessary support for students and faculties which in turn help them sensitising social activities in neighbourhood. One of the impacts of such activities like Tree plantation can be mentioned here. As the institute is situated in the Industrial area, tree plantation really helps in conditioning the environment in the neighbourhood, as the planting more trees would help in curbing the industrial pollution.
Awards and recognitions received for extension activities
Collaborative activities for research, Faculty exchange, Student exchange/ internship
MoUs with institutions, other universities, industries, corporate houses etc.
Metric No. CRITERIA 5 : Student Support and Progression Link To The Relevant Document
5.1 5.1 Student Support A Year-wise list of beneficiary students in each scheme duly signed by the competent authority. Click Here C Upload policy document of the HEI for award of scholarship and freeships Click Here
Metric No. 5.1.2 Link To The Relevant Document
5.1.2 A Report with photographs on Programmes /activities conducted to enhance soft skills, Language and communication skills, and Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene, self-employment and entrepreneurial skills) Click Here
5.1.2 B Report with photographs on ICT/computing skills enhancement programs Click Here
Metric No. 5.1.3 Link To The Relevant Document Number of students benefitted by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling offered by the institution year wise Click Here
Metric No. 5.1.4 Link To The Relevant Document
5.1.4 A Proof w.r.t Organisation wide awareness and undertakings on policies with zero tolerance Click Here
5.1.4 B Proof related to Mechanisms for submission of online/offline students’ grievances Click Here
5.1.4 C Proof for Implementation of guidelines of statutory/regulatory bodies Click Here
5.4.1 D Details of statutory/regulatory Committees (to be notified in institutional website also) Click Here
5.4.1 E Annual report of the committee motioning the activities and number of grievances redressed to prove timely redressal of the grievances Click Here
Metric No. 5.2 Link To The Relevant Document Number and List of students placed along with placement details such as name of the company, compensation, etc and links to Placement order(the above list should be available on institutional website) Click Here List of students progressing for Higher Education, with details of program and institution that they are/have enrolled along with links to proof of continuation in higher education.(the above list should be available on institutional website) Click Here
Metric No. 5.2.2 Link To The Relevant Document List of students qualified year wise under each category and links to Qualifying Certificates of the students taking the examination Click Here
Metric No. 5.3.1 Link To The Relevant Document A Upload supporting document Click Here B list and links to e-copies of award letters and certificates Click Here
Metric No. 5.3.2 Link To The Relevant Document supporting document Click Here
Metric No. 5.4 Link To The Relevant Document
5.4.1 Additional information Click Here