Godavari Foundation's
Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon
- gcoe1999@gmail.com
- (0257) 2212999, 2213500
Godavari Foundation’s Godavari College Of Engineering, Jalgaon is affiliated to North Maharashtra University (N.M.U.), Jalgaon. Institution follows curriculum designed by the N.M.U. Jalgaon. Faculties of the institute have been working as members of Board of Studies, members of Academic Council. Most of the faculties contributed in syllabus framing, designing workshops and on evaluation panel. Many of the faculties are chairmen and paper setters in university examination panel.
College collects innovative ideas from students, alumni, parents before redesigning process. Faculty members have contributed towards the curriculum development extensively. By taking university calendar as an input, Principal and Heads discuss and prepare the academic calendar for college and for departments. Head of the department distribute the teaching load to the faculty by considering subject choices given by faculties.
At the beginning of a semester each faculty member prepares calendar planning of faculty activities which includes start and end date of each unit for every class. Every subject teacher has responsibility to complete the unit before the start of Internal Sessional Exam of that unit. Head of Department monitors the progress of conduction of curriculum at the end of every week. Feedback from students is analyzed periodically to improve the teaching learning process. To bridge the gap between industry and curriculum, we timely arrange EDP, Soft Skill Development, Social and Environmental Awareness Program. It improves technical skill, entrepreneur skill and employ-ability skill.
The Criteria-II is about teaching, learning and evaluation. The most important thing in teaching learning process of this institute is ability of its teachers to create enthusiasm, ignite passion and generate curiosity among the students. The admission process of the college is managed by admission committee which is responsible for designing admission forms and prospectus and counseling. The admission in professional courses is made through entrance tests. The college also admits students from other states. For every student mentoring is done to solve their academic and stress related issues.
Keeping in view the changing curriculum, seminar and workshops are organized to enable the teachers to adapt the changing needs of the society and market. Guest lectures by experts from various sectors are organized for students. The college has a well-organized and well planned teaching, learning and evaluation process. Before starting of the semester, teaching load distribution is finalized by considering the experience, choice of subject given by the faculty, faculty specializations and interest of faculty in particular subjects.
The institute has well qualified and experienced faculty. It always tries to achieve excellence in teaching and learning by adopting new or alternatives methods for understanding of students and for improving the results. Also institute and department motivates and support the students for participating in technical events like- Paper presentation, Poster Presentations, Project Competition etc. The teaching learning process involves green board- Chalk, Chalk and Talk methods, PPT’s, and Videos if required etc. for better understanding to students.
The Management and Institute always strive to spread awareness about the research among academicians & students, to deal with the local as well as national problems of social value and in order to make the human life better. The Institute inspires and motivates researchers to conduct research in Science, Engineering & Technology for the sustainable development.
Laboratories of all the engineering departments are well equipped to carry put necessary research work and experiments so as to able to contribute in research work. The Institute has received grants from AICTE under various schemes for the research and development purpose. Faculty has publishing their work at various national international reputed conferences and Journals.
Moreover, fairly good amount of efforts are pursued to fulfill its social responsibilities to the populous nearby villages through our local student associations. Institute is also extending research facility for solving Industrial Problems in local industries nearby. Institute is promoting students and faculty through various programs like VISAKA, so that they also help society through a proper channel to initiate new technology developments in local society as well as in students and staff. This really shows Institutes intentions towards real research and development for the society.
The institute publishes its updated prospectus annually and provides all the information regarding admission intake, various programs, student facilities and placement information of students placed. The College undertakes student focused academic and non-academic student support activities, to provide them rich learning experience and thereby ensure students progression to higher studies and gainful employment and also a successful entrepreneur. The students receive financial assistance especially for SC/ST, OBC and economically weaker sections. A well-defined structure identifies slow learners in first year and remedial teaching is carried out for them.The co-curricular activities organized by the college. The soft skill, communication and organizational skills offered by the Training and Placement Cell prepare students for employment and provide them with job opportunities through the Campus Drives. The Anti-ragging Cell & women sexual harassment cell publicizes its stand against it, in the campus to restrain ragging. The college encourages the students for participation in games / tournaments / seminars/ projects/papers at state / national levels, cultural, co-curricular activities and competitions in and out of the college/district/state has brought glory to the individuals. Every year feedback is taken from alumni regarding placements, internships and entrepreneurial activities to be relevant in today’s global market. To be globally competitive and interaction of faculties, the institute has Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University (DBATU), Lonere’s sub centre in green campus.
The institute has clearly defined vision, mission, goals and objectives as per the purposes of Higher Education and reflecting the quality parameters and use of technology. Various bodies and their leaders like Principal and the Secretary to the students participate in planning, decision making, executing, monitoring and evaluating the practices functions for organizational development and effective management. The organizational structure decentralizes the power and responsibilities for developing and drafting policies and strategic plans for teaching and learning, research and development, industry interaction and globalization..The academic and administrative activities are designed and carried out in agreement with the policies and the strategic plans to obtain desired outcome. The identified merits are recognized and congratulated and the short falls are addressed through Grievance Redressal Cell to make a future development plan. In the institute, ERP maintains e-governance areas like in planning, finance and admission support. IQAC deals with the professional development programmes, administrative, technical and communication skills arranged for the teaching and non-teaching staff to update the quality of staff. The institute maintains welfare schemes available for the teaching and the non-teaching staff. The college regularly undertakes internal financial audit too. The different twelve committees and cells have been formulated which are effectively working on their plans.
Facilities for female students and staff are provided to feel comfortable during their regular hours in the campus. A course on Gender Sensitization is in curriculum. There are counseling rooms and common room for both male and female separately. Solid, liquid and e-waste is managed in line with green building standards. Rainwater harvesting pit is made to preserve ground water in the campus. All green practices to reduce pollution are adopted. Facilities for physically handicapped like ramps, toilets, scribes etc are provided in the institution. Several initiatives have been taken up based on location advantage and disadvantages. Code of conduct for staff and students is made available online in the college portal. Events for promoting truth, love, nonviolence and peace are organized. Institution observes the birth and death anniversaries of great personalities. Institution maintains complete transparency in financial, academic and administrative functions. There are best practices like Yoga, Tree, plantation, RETC, VISAKA . College is situated in MIDC area is becomes one institutional distinctiveness.