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IQAC ( Internal Quality Assurance Cell )

The basic purpose of establishment of IQAC as a post accreditation quality measure is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution and to assure all the stake holders about the quality and capacity building programs provided in the institution. Every HEI should have an internal quality assurance system, with appropriate structures and processes. The IQAC is meant for planning, guiding and monitoring Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Enhancement (QE) activities of HEIs. Quality enhancement is a continuous process to channelize the efforts and the initiations of the institution towards academic excellence. It can inculcate all the constituents of the institution. It is a facilitative and participative unit of institution. It should be seen as a vehicle for ushering in quality and excellence by working out intervention strategies to remove deficiencies and enhance quality. The publication of IQAC NEWS helps disseminating the information about the information about the activities, programs, interaction carried out by an institution for sharing the same with the stake holders , other higher education institutions and teacher education institutions to be emulated and improved for achieving best results or for getting accredited and assessed by the NAAC

Objectives of IQAC
  • Preparation and Provision of Proposals to implement the Recommendations of the NAAC Peer Team during the Cycle 1 Visit for Assessment and Accreditation in 2017.
  • Assure timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks.
  • Over-viewing the plans to implement credibility of assessment procedures.
  • Ensuring the adequacy, maintenance and proper allocation of support structure and services.
  • Sharing of research findings and networking with other institutions in India and abroad.
  • Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning.
Functions of IQAC

Internal Quality Assurance Cell the College has developed several quality assurance mechanisms within the existing academic and administrative system. These are as follows: 

  • From the beginning the main objective of the cell is to plan and implement quality initiatives and evaluate. It follows its calendar for meetings, quality agenda and maintains its proceedings.
  • Placed Plans and proposals for implementation of the recommendations of the NAAC Peer Team visit in 2017.
  • It supports to conduct workshops, awareness programmes, special lectures on quality innovations, Curricula, Teaching-Learning & Evaluation, Research oriented seminars etc. It analyses the feedback received from Students.
  • It coordinates with all stakeholders for their opinions and advice for quality sustenance and quality improvement.
  • Enforces external Academic And Administrative Auditing by North Maharashtra University of Jalgaon, Maharashtra & Department of Higher Education, Government of Maharashtra Committee.
  • It Plans and Supports effective implementation for Total Quality management, Curricular development, Teaching-Learning and evaluation, Research, Consultancy and Extension activities for all stakeholders.
  • It prepares the Academic Audit Under supervision of the Governing Body.
  • Documentation of the various programmes/activities leading to quality improvement.
  • It collects, maintains and analyses documents and document evidences directly or through the College Office.
  • It analyses the feedback received from all stakeholders and inform the concerned about its outcome for correction and amelioration. It also appreciate & encourage and provide support required by all staff for their and quality sustenance and quality improvement in teaching, Research & administration.

Thus, the systematic planning, organisation and implementation of teaching – learning – evaluation is possible within the total scheme of university schedule. It is rational, realistic and scientific. The institution communicates its quality assurance policies, mechanisms and outcomes to the various internal and external stakeholders through: 

  • Regular notification.
  • The progress of the students is communicated to the students and their parents.
  • Detail information are given in the Prospectus.
  • Through the institutional official website:
  • Policies and plans regarding the quality assurance are communicated to the faculty members, especially the newly appointed ones, in the beginning of the session through meetings with the Principal.
  • Policies and plans regarding the quality assurance are also communicated in meetings of the different sub-committees and in the meetings with the teacher’s Council, Non-teaching staff and students.
  • Students are also made aware of such policies through orientation programmes conducted by the administration and by the heads of departments.
  • Policies and plans regarding the quality assurance are communicated to the alumni in the meeting with the alumni.
Benefits of functional IQAC

IQAC has facilitated/ contributed in the following ways: 

  • Ensured heightened level of clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement.
  • Ensured internalization of the quality culture.
  • Ensured enhancement and coordination among various activities of the institution and institutionalize all good practices.
  • Provided a sound basis for decision-making to improve institutional functioning.
  • Acted as a dynamic system for quality changes in this Institution.
  • IQAC has built an organized methodology of documentation and internal communication.
Challenges of IQAC
  • The primary challenge encountered is that of resistance—to change. A lot convincing and persistence measures to alter strategies wherever needed has resulted in a lot of time being lost.
  • Work beyond duty hours for activities that go beyond teaching by faculty sometimes have created an element of resentment. But the recent incentive structure of UGC (CAS) linking administrative works has made a positive impact.
  • The management have not provided any technical support to the IQAC Coordinator yet.

The IQAC members are chosen based on Latest NAAC guidelines

Dr. Vijaykumar Patil
Principal, GF’s GCOE, Jalgaon
Management Representative
Mr. Subhash Vasudev Patil
Vice President, GF’s GCOE, Jalgaon
IQAC Coordinator
Mr. Pramod B. Gosavi
HOD-Computer Engineering, GF’s GCOE, Jalgaon
Senior Administrative Officer
Dr. Nitin N. Bhole
HOD-First Year Engineering, GF’s GCOE, Jalgaon
Mr. Tushar Koli
HOD-Mechanical Engineering, GF’s GCOE, Jalgaon
Mr. Hemant Ingale
HOD-E&TC Engineering, GF’s GCOE, Jalgaon
Mr. Atul Barhate
HOD-Electrical Engineering, GF’s GCOE, Jalgaon
Senior Teacher Members
Mr. Rahul Gaikwad
Faculty-Computer Engineering, GF’s GCOE, Jalgaon
Mr. Mahesh Patil
Faculty-E&TC Engineering, GF’s GCOE, Jalgaon
Mr. Mayur Thakur
Faculty-Mechanical Engineering, GF’s GCOE, Jalgaon
Mr. Vijay Chaudhari
Faculty-Electrical Engineering, GF’s GCOE, Jalgaon
Mrs. Saroj Bhole
Faculty-First Year Engineering, GF’s GCOE, Jalgaon
External Expert
Dr. Umesh S. Bhadade
HOD-Information Technology, SSBTCOET, Bambhori
Nominees from the Local Society
Mr. Ashok Totaram Mahajan
Manager, Godavari Laxmi Cooperative Bank Ltd. ,Jalgaon
Dr. Prashant Sudhakar Warke
Director, GMIR, Jalgaon
Nominee from Alumni
Mr. Tejas Nandshri
Student Nominees
Mr. Paresh Patil
Ms. Juneriya Shaikh

Internal Quality Assurance Cell ( Composition )

List of Content Links
Composition 2018-19
Composition 2019-20
Composition 2021-22
Composition 2021-22
Composition 2022-23
Composition 2023-24
  • Centrally located in Industrial Area on National Highway 6.
  • Well grown up 15 years old having adequate infrastructure facilities.
  • Well established laboratories, specious class room, library, computer center, hostel and sport facilities.
  • Encouragement of faculty for higher education and participation in decision making.
  • Different initiatives and activities apart from curriculum to make him/her to good citizen and graduate to meet the requirement of industry and society.
  • More ICT based classroom in every department.
  • More practical exposure to the students through training, industrial visits and projects.
  • Consultancy and research activities required to be enhanced.
  • Higher industry institute interactions get strengthened.
  • Inadequate number of campus placement.
  • Higher experienced faculty members particularly with Doctorate are required.
  • More research projects required to be executed.
  • To compete with local and regional institutes to create better brand image of the institute.
  • To introduce more skill development programmes.
  • To expose more placement opportunities.
  • To inculcate and increase more innovation and research activities and creative culture in the institute.
  • To increase more collaboration and liaison with Industries and R&D institutes.
  • As the majority of students come from the rural, economically backward class of society, the major challenge is to change their orthodox mind set and groom them as independent, free thinking individuals and employability of students.
  • To boost the confidence level of the students, enhance their competency and empower them.
  • Unavailability of qualified and experienced faculty to create good research culture.
  • Stagnant growth in industry results in less placement opportunity for the students.
  • Enhancing the quality of students with available resources getting pressure on the institute.
  • Maintaining a steady program as a self-financing institution without the support of state/central government or any funding agencies.

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