Develop the basic concept of algorithm, algorithmic thinking and flowchart.
Analyse and solve simple arithmetic and logical problems using C Programming Language
Identify tasks in which the numerical techniques learned are applicable and apply them to write programs.
Apply the knowledge of computing and mathematics to solve real world problems by developing micro-projects in C Language
Design programs that demonstrate effective use of advanced C features including pointers and memory management
Sub Code: BTBS 102
Engineering Physics
Explain & apply the concept of types of Oscillation, Dielectric properties & ultrsonics.
Explain & compare between Interference & Polarisation of light, working Principle of Lasers & Fiber optics.
Interprete, apply &demonstrate principle of motion of charged particles in EF&MF, Bainbridge Mass spectrograph &G M counter.
Identify Types of crystals & crystal planes using Miller indices, Experemental apprroach.
Sub Code: BTBS102
Engineering Mechanics
To know and apply fundamental Laws of Engineering Mechanics
To know and apply Conditions of static equilibrium to analyze given force system
To compute Centre of gravity and Moment of Inertia of plane surfaces
Sub Code: BTES105
Energy & Environment Engineering
Understanding of issues related to envionment and their impact on the human life.
understanding on the solutions related to the environmental problems.
understanding of different components of environment and their functions and sustianable developement.
Sub Code: BTES103
Engineering Graphics
To enable the students with various concepts like dimensioning, conventions and standards related to Engineering Drawing
To impart knowledge on the projection of points, lines and plane surfaces
To improve the visualization skills for better understanding of projection of solids
To develop the imaginative skills of the students required to understand Section of solids
understand the viewing perception of a solid object in Isometric and Perspective projections
Sub Code: BTHM104
Communication Skills
Enabled to understand the correct usage of grammar.
The fundamental inputs of communication skills in making speech delivery, individual conference, and group communication.
Evaluate the impact of interpersonal communication on their performance as a professional and in obtaining professional excellence at the workplace.
To equip with basics of communication skills and will apply it for practical and oral purposes by being honed up in presentation skills and voice-dynamics.
Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering (B Tech)
B.Tech Computer Engineering
Semester : III
Sub Code: BTES 301
Engineering Mathematics-III
Explain the concept of Vector functions.
Illustrate the concept of different matrix operations.
Recognize the concept of linear equations and the various fundamental concepts of Fourier Series.
Analyze the concept of determinants.
Evaluate diagonalization and applications.
Sub Code: BTCOC302
Discrete Mathematics
Explain the various fundamental concepts of the Set theory and Logics.
Solve problems in recurrence relations.
Utilize graph theory concepts in computer science.
Familiarize with the applications of trees and algorithms on minimal spanning trees.
Utilize the concepts and properties of algebraic structures such as groups, rings and fields.
Sub Code: BTCOC303
Data Structures
Understand fundamentals of data structures and the concepts of Hashing.
Apply Linear Data Structures: Stack, Queues and Recursion.
Apply Linear Data Structures: Linked Lists.
Apply Non-Linear Data Structures: Trees and Graphs.
Understand and Sorting Algorithms.
Sub Code: BTCOC304
Understand and Sorting Algorithms.
Understand and describe the basic organization and operation of the components of a digital computer system.
Aquire knowledge of instruction sets and addresing modes and analyze the performance issues of the processor.
Illustrate various arithmetic and logical operations on different types of numbers to design an arithmetic and logic unit.
Categorize the hierarchical memory system and examine the virtual memory implementation techniques.
Demonstrate various control unit operations. Compare the different I/O data transfer techniques, and describe the different ways of communication among I/O devices and standard I/O interfaces.
Sub Code: BTCOC305
Elective-I: Object Oriented Programming in C++
Explain the basic concepts of object oriented programming language in C++.
Introduces the concept of operator overloading, inheritance and polymorphism.
Introduces virtual function and dynamic binding.
Introduces stream manipulators and different operations on file.
Explain the concept of template, exception handling and STL.
Sub Code: BTCOC305
Elective-I: Object Oriented Programming in Java
Explain the basic concepts of object oriented programming language in Java and its applications.
Understand the concept of control statements in Java.
Understand the concept of arrays.
Introduces inheritance and polymorhism in Java.
Explain exception handling and basic concepts of Javascript.
Sub Code: BTCOC306
Data Structure Laboratory
Develop a program using linear data structures such as array and circular queue.
Develop a program for basic operations of stack and its applications.
Construct a program using non-linear data structures and their applications such as trees and graphs.
Construct a program using linear data structures for linked lists.
Implement sorting algorithms.
Sub Code: BTCOC306
Object Oriented Programming in C++ Lab
Develop a program using linear data structures such as array and circular queue.
Develop a program for basic operations of stack and its applications.
Construct a program using non-linear data structures and their applications such as trees and graphs.
Construct a program using linear data structures for linked lists.
Implement sorting algorithms.
Sub Code: BTCOC306
Object Oriented Programming in Java Lab
Apply the concept of classes, Java, JDK Components and develop Simple Java Programs.
Develop Simple Java Programs using inheritance and polymorphism.
Develop Exception handling and Interfaces.
Devlop simple programs using Java script.
Implement Java Script Validations.
Sub Code: BTCOC307
Seminar – I
Identify recent technical topics from interested domains.
Analyze the applicability of modern software tools and technology.
Develop Presentation and Communication skills.
Develop Technical report preparation skills.
Sub Code: BTES211P
Field Training / Internship / Industrial Training Evaluation
Understand the organogram of the industry and appreciate the skill enhancement.
Write an effective Field Training or Internship or Industrial Training Evaluation report.
Deliver an effective presentation.
Inculcate non-plagiarism and teamwork ethics.
B.Tech Computer Engineering
Semester : IV
Sub Code: BTCOC401
Design & Analysis of Algorithms
Understand the notion of an algorithm, asymptotic notations.
Analyze the divide conquer techniques.
Explain the algorithm design techniques using backtracking, branch and bound.
Understand the algorithm design techniques using greedy algorithms.
Understand the algorithm design techniques using dynamic programming.
Sub Code: BTCOC402
Operating Systems
Understand the concept of OS and functional components.
Analyse process and threads.
Analyze process synchronization and conceptualize semaphores. Analyze System model for deadlock, Methods for handling deadlocks. Analyze and describe System model for deadlock, Methods for handling deadlocks and memory management strategies
Understand the concepts of memory management and virtual memory management.
Understand the concepts of file management and mass storage structure.
Sub Code: BTCOC403
Basic Human Rights
Understand the basic concept of human values, human rights and human duties.
Analyze fundamental rights and economic programme, social structure and social problems.
Analyze migrant workers, NGOs and human rights in India.
Understand human rights in Indian constitution and law.
Evaluate constitution, law, national and state human rights commission.
Sub Code: BTCOC404
Probability and Statistics
Recall the basics of Probability and Statistics.
Apply the idea of basics of probability and Random variables in solving various engineering problems.
Analyze types of correlation.
Analyze linear and non-linear regression.
Evaluate population mean and test hypotheses.
Sub Code: BTES405
Digital Logic Design & Microprocessors
Understand the concept of digital signals, circuits, number systems.
Analyze Combinational Logic circuits, Simplification of Algebraic Equations using Karnaugh Maps. Construct Digital multiplexers, Adders and Subtractors.
Construct Latches and various types of Flip-Flops.
Understand the fundamentals of microprocessors
Explain 80x86 instruction set and Design and develop assembly programs using 80x86 assembly language instructions.
Sub Code: BTES405
Operating Systems Lab
Implement the basic command of UNIX and shell script programming.
Implement CPU scheduling algorithms, page replacement algorithms and threads.
Implement the process synchronization problem using semaphore.
Implement Producer-Consumer problem using Banker's algorithm.
Implement memory allocation algorithms.
Sub Code: BTES405
Python Programming Lab
Understand basic syntax of python implementation.
Practically apply looping and conditional constructs.
Develop programs related with list data structure.
Design programs related to dictionary and set.
Implement the program for file manipulation.
Sub Code: BTCOS407
Seminar – II
Devlop webpages using HTML and CSS.
Implement simple calculator using JavaScript.
Implement program using HTML and JavaScript.
Implement programs using PHP.
Implement programs using PHP and AJAX.
Sub Code: BTCOF408
Field Training / Internship / Industrial Training Evaluation
Participate in the projects in industries during his or her industrial training.
Describe use of advanced tools and techniques encountered during industrial training and visit.
Interact with industrial personnel and follow engineering practices and discipline prescribed in industry.
Develop awareness about general workplace behavior and build interpersonal and team skills.
Prepare professional work reports and presentations.
B.Tech Computer Engineering
Semester : V
Sub Code: BTCOC501
Database Systems
Summarize the concepts of database objects Make use of ER diagram.
Analyze relational data model and relational algebra.
Use Structured Query Language (SQL) for database manipulation.
Make use of normalization techniques and file organization.
Analyze transaction processing and concurrency control.
Sub Code: BTCOC502
Theory of Computation
Understand the concept of finite automata and analyze regular expressions.
Analyze context free grammers.
Illustrate context free languages.
Illustrate push down automata.
Evaluate turing machines.
Sub Code: BTCOC503
Software Engineering
Understand software engineering ethics and software process.
Analyze Agile software development.
Apply system modeling and architectural design.
Design and implement object oriented modeling using UML diagram.
Apply software testing.
Sub Code: BTCOC504
Elective – II: Human computer Interaction
Understand the concept of HCI - human thinking, text entry devices, models of interaction.
Understand different components of GIS and different types of vector data, raster data mdel and TIN data model.
Apply Raster data compression techniques.
Apply pre-processing of spatial datasets and different map projections.
Assessment of freely available DEMS GIS analysis-1
Analyze GIS and evaluate application errors in GIS.
Sub Code: BTCOC604
Elective – IV: Internet of Things
Interpret the impact and challenges posed by IoT networks leading to new architectural models.
Illustrate the smart objects and the technologies to connect them to network.
Understand IP layer and optimizaion of IP for IoT.
Infer the role of Data Analytics and Security in IoT.
Build IoT with physical devices and endpoints.
Sub Code: BTCOE604
Elective – IV: Embedded Systems
Design single purpose processor.
Understand the architecture of ARM7TDMI-S processor.
Design system control and GPIO.
Design UART and serial peripheral interface.
Design and simulation of system. Undertsand basic concepts of simple digital camera.
Sub Code: BTHM605
Elective – V: Development Engineering
Understand various definations of development engineering.
Analyze poverty and development of India and identify Engineer's role.ial skills of business communication.
Implement social justice and engineering.
Apply development strategies in different perspectives.
Evaluate various developments of community by engineers.
Sub Code: BTHM605
Elective – V: Employability and Skill Development
Understand basic concepts of soft skills and communication.
Apply Arithmetic and Mathematical Reasoning and Analytical Reasoning and Quantitative Ability to solve problems.
Develop writing skills of grammer and comprehension.
Develop interview and group discussion skills.
Evaluate problem by applying problem solving model and skills.
Sub Code: BTHM605
Elective – V: Consumer Behaviour
Understand the concept of consumer behavior and its influence on market.
Understand role of market segmentation and consumer decision making process.
Analyze various models of consumer behavior.
Analyze the consumer psychology and attitude.
Evaluate relationship between Consumer influence and Diffusion of Innovations.
Sub Code: BTCOL606
Competitive Programming Lab
Solve programming challenges by online judging.
Design various programs using elementary data structures and solve challenging problems.
Design various programs using strings and solve challenging problems.
Design various programs using sorting algorithms and solve challenging problems.
Solve challenging problems by applying arithmetic and algebra.
Sub Code: BTCOL606
Machine Learning Lab
Implement program for regression analysis and plot interpretation.
Implement program for logistic regression analysis in R.
Implement program for random forest and parameter tuning in R.
Evaluate clustering algorithms in R
Develop machine learning project in python on house prices data.
Sub Code: BTCOM607
Mini-project – II
Identify societal from the villages or towns with well-defined objectives.
Build a model for the problem chosen using modern tools and technology.
Organize the technical report effectively.
Present the solution in front of faculty members.
Sub Code: BTCOF608
Field Training / Internship / Industrial Training
Participate in the projects in industries during his or her industrial training.
Describe use of advanced tools and techniques encountered during industrial training and visit.
Interact with industrial personnel and follow engineering practices and discipline prescribed in industry.
Develop awareness about general workplace behavior and build interpersonal and team skills.
Prepare professional work reports and presentations.
B.Tech Computer Engineering
Semester : VII
Sub Code: BTCOC701
Artificial Intelligence
Understand the key components of Artificial Intelligence field.
Identify various problem solving strategies.
Construct the solution for the problem using various knowledge and logic representation techniques.
Interpret the knowledge in uncertain domain.
Understand basic concept of natural language processing and various learning techniques.
Sub Code: BTCOC702
Cloud Computing
Understand the concept of virtualization and how this has enabled the development of Cloud Computing.
Know the fundamentals of cloud, cloud Architectures and types of services in cloud.
Understand scaling, cloud security and disaster management.
Design different Applications in cloud.
Explore some important cloud computing driven commercial systems.
Sub Code: BTCOE703
Elective – VI: Bioinformatics
Understand history and application of Bioinformatics, types of databases.
Use sequence alignment techniques and compare genomics and proteomics.
Apply phylogeny and its concepts in molecular evolution and different methods of Phylogenetic tree construction.
Apply bioinformatics in drug designing using bioinformatics tools.
Build human genome project.
Sub Code: BTCOE703
Elective – VI: Distributed System
Understand how to apply the knowledge to gain insight of Distributed System in solving real world problems.
Implement remote procedure calls and client server binding.
Understand architecture of distributed shared memory.
Discuss resource and process management in distributed system
Explain the file accessing model.
Sub Code: BTCOE703
Elective – VI: Big Data Analytics
Understand fundamentals of Big Data analytics.
Illustrate various big data platforms.
Apply big data streaming platforms for fast data.
Apply various big data machine learning algorithms.
Construct queries on databases using mongoDB.
Sub Code: BTCOE704
Open Elective – VII: Cryptography and Network Security
Crypt-Analysis of classical cryptosystems.
Crypt-Analysis symmetric key ciphers.
Understand Stream Ciphers and Pseudo-randomness and evaluate hash functions and MACs.
Construction and crypt-analysis of asymmetric key ciphers.
Apply modern trends in asymmetric key cryptography.
Sub Code: BTCOE704
Open Elective – VII: Business Intelligence
Understand the basic componets and life cycle of business intelligence.
Apply best practices, business decision making and analyze business.
Evaluate performance of business using business intelligence tools.
Apply data warehousing options.
Illustrate dimension modeling, OLAP, MDD, Data warehouse project management.
Sub Code: BTCOE704
Open Elective – VII: Blockchain Technology
Explain the basic concepts and technology used for blockchain.
Illustrate the concepts of Bitcoin and working consensus in bitcoin.
Analyze the working of Smart Contracts and illustrate consensus models for permissioned blockchain.
Comprehend the use Blockchain in real world scenarios and applications.
Build blockchain and write smart contracts.
Sub Code: BTCOE705
Open Elective – VIII: Virtual Reality
Describe how VR systems work and create 3D computer graphics.
Create 3D scenes with Unity and experiment with various user interface (UI) techniques that are used in VR applications.
Apply linear and non linear translation and animate the object in virtual environment.
Evaluate physical simulation of various applications.
Illustrate human factors, VR hardware, VR software and its applications.
Sub Code: BTCOE705
Open Elective – VIII: Deep Learning
Understand perceptron learning algorithm.
Understand the significant features of feedforward neural network.
Analyse various types of auto encoders.
Elaborate various types of neural networks.
Elaborate recurrent neural networks.
Sub Code: BTCOE705
Open Elective – VIII: Design Thinking
Understand the process of design thinking.
Apply the Design Thinking process and use tools like Empathy Map for solving problems in user centric way.
Develop skills in Brainstorming for Product Design and Development.
Develop skills in testing and implementation for prototyping and validation.
Apply the Design thinking Techniques for solving problems in a company and understand Innovation Management.
Sub Code: BTCOL707
Artificial Intelligence Lab
Implement a program to solve 8 queens problem using PROLOG.
Implement a program to solve any problem using depth first search and best first search.
Implement a program to solve 8-puzzle problem using best first serch.
Implement a program to solve Robot traversal problem using means and end analysis.
Implement a program to solve traveling salesman problem.
Sub Code: BTCOL707
Cloud Computing Lab
Sketch out architecture of moodle cloud portal and moodle cloud site.
Implement a scenario in wordpress for Social Marketing, Search engine and Sharing Tools.
Install and configure virtual machine with guest OS.
Implement various cloud entities using Amazon Web Service(AWS) and Microsoft Azure.
Organize a case in Aneka / Eucalyptus for simulation entities in run-time.
Sub Code: BTCOL708
Project Phase – I
Analyze the problem, formulation and solution of the selected project.
Develop solutions for contemporary problems using modern tools for sustainable development.
Demonstrate ethical and professional sustainaability while working in a team and communicate effectively for the benefit of the society.
Understand the engineering, finance and management principles.
Sub Code: BTCOF708
Field Training / Internship / Industrial Training
Participate in the projects in industries during his or her industrial training.
Describe use of advanced tools and techniques encountered during industrial training and visit.
Interact with industrial personnel and follow engineering practices and discipline prescribed in industry.
Develop awareness about general workplace behavior and build interpersonal and team skills.
Prepare professional work reports and presentations.
Enhance user experience with Advanced Tabs, allowing seamless content navigation. Organize information efficiently while keeping the interface clean and interactive. Perfect for FAQs, product details, or multi-section content.
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering (B Tech)
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering
Semester : III
Sub Code: BTBS301
Engineering Mathematics-III
Solve higher order linear differential equation using appropriate techniques for modeling and analyzing electrical circuits.
Solve problems related to Fourier transform, Laplace transform and applications to Communication systems and Signal processing.
Obtain Interpolating polynomials, numerically differentiate and integrate functions, numerical solutions of differential equations using single step and multi-step iterative methods used in modern scientific computing.
Perform vector differentiation and integration, analyze the vector fields and apply to Electromagnetic fields.
Analyze conformal mappings, transformations and perform contour integration of complex functions in the study of electrostatics and signal processing.
Sub Code: BTMC302
Explain basic properties of fluid, fluid statics, kinematics and dynamics.
Identify various types of flow, flow patterns and their significance.
Explain concepts of flow through pipes, boundary layer theory, forces on immersed bodies and dimensionless parameters.
Derive various equations in fluid mechanics such as Euler’s, Bernoulli’s, Momentum, Continuity etc.
Solve the problems related to properties of fluid, fluid kinematics, fluid dynamics, laminar flow, pipe flow, dimensional analysis, boundary layer theory, and forces on immersed bodies.
Sub Code: BTMC 303
Define the terms like system, boundary, properties, equilibrium, work, heat, ideal gas, entropy etc. used in thermodynamics.
Studied different laws of thermodynamics and apply these to simple thermal systems to study energy balance
Studied Entropy, application and disorder.
Studied various types of processes like isothermal, adiabatic, etc. considering system with ideal gas and represent them on p-v and T-s planes.
Represent phase diagram of pure substance (steam) on different thermodynamic planes like p-v, T-s, h-s, etc. Show various constant property lines on them.
Sub Code: BTMES304
Study various crystal structures of materials
Understand mechanical properties of materials and calculations of same using appropriate equations
Evaluate phase diagrams of various materials
Suggest appropriate heat treatment process for a given application
Prepare samples of different materials for metallography
Recommend appropriate NDT technique for a given application
Sub Code: BTMCL305
Interpret the object with the help of given sectional and orthographic views.
Construct the curve of intersection of two solids
Draw machine element using keys, cotter, knuckle, bolted and welded joint
Represent tolerances and level of surface finish on production drawings
Understand various creating and editing commands in Auto Cad
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering
Semester : IV
Sub Code: BTMC401
Identify castings processes, working principles and applications and list various defects in metal casting
Understand the various metal forming processes, working principles and applications
Classify the basic joining processes and demonstrate principles of welding, brazing and soldering.
Study center lathe and its operations including plain, taper turning, work holding devices and cutting tool.
Understand milling machines and operations, cutters and indexing for gear cutting.
Study shaping, planning and drilling, their types and related tooling's
Sub Code: BTMC402
Define basic terminology of kinematics of mechanisms
Classify planar mechanisms and calculate its degree of freedom
Perform kinematic analysis of a given mechanism using ICR and RV methods
Introduction of different types of lubrication system.
Perform kinematic analysis of slider crank mechanism using Klein’s construction and analytical approach
Perform balancing of unbalance forces in rotating masses, different types of single/multi cylinder reciprocating engines in different positions.
Sub Code: BTHM403
Understand the history of human rights.
Learn to respect others caste, religion, region and culture.
Be aware of their rights as Indian citizen.
Understand the importance of groups and communities in the society.
Realize the philosophical and cultural basis and historical perspectives of human rights.
Make them aware of their responsibilities towards the nation.
Sub Code: BTMES404
State the basic definitions of fundamental terms such as axial load, eccentric load, stress, strain, E, μ, principle stresses, etc.
Analyze the stresses and strain energy in different load cases
Design the columns based on deflection
Design a beam based on bending and shafts based on torsion
Analyze given beam for calculations of SF and BM
Calculate slope and deflection at a point on cantilever /simply supported beam using double integration, Macaulay’s , Area-moment and superposition methods
Sub Code: BTMPE405C
Understand and apply momentum equation
Understand and explain Hydrodynamic Machines
Explain difference between impulse and reaction turbines
Find efficiencies, draw velocity triangles
Explain governing mechanisms for hydraulic turbines
Explain working of various types of pumps, draw velocity diagrams, do simple Calculations
Design simple pumping systems
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering
Semester : V
Sub Code: BTMC501
Explain the laws of heat transfer and deduce the general heat conduction equation and to explain it for 1-D steady state heat transfer in regular shape bodies
Interpret the extended surfaces
Illustrate the boundary layer concept, dimensional analysis, forced and free convection under different conditions
Describe the Boiling heat transfer, Evaluate the heat exchanger and examine the LMTD and NTU methods applied to engineering problems
Explain the thermal radiation black body, emissivity and reflectivity and evaluation of view factor and radiation shields
Sub Code: BTMC502
Formulate the problem by identifying customer need and convert into design Specification
Understand component behavior subjected to loads and identify failure criteria
Analyze the stresses and strain induced in the component
Design of machine component using theories of failures
Design of component for finite life and infinite life when subjected to fluctuating load
Design of components like shaft, key, coupling, screw and spring
Sub Code: BTMC503
Identify and select type of belt drive for a particular application
Evaluate gear tooth geometry and select appropriate gears, gear trains
Characterize flywheels as per application requirement
Understand gyroscopic effects in ships, aeroplanes, and road vehicles.
Understand free and forced vibrations of single degree freedom systems
Sub Code: BTAPE504D
Identify the different parts of the automobile.
Explain the working of various parts like engine, transmission, clutch, brakes etc.,
Demonstrate various types of drive systems; front and rear wheels, two and four wheel drive.
Apply vehicle troubleshooting and maintenance procedures.
Analyze the environmental implications of automobile emissions. And suggest suitable regulatory modifications.
Sub Code: BTMOE505B
Explain the difference between renewable and non-renewable energy
Describe working of solar collectors
Explain various applications of solar energy
Describe working of other renewable energies such as wind, biomass , nuclear
Sub Code: BTMC506
Define the terms like calorific value of fuel, stoichiometric air-fuel ratio, excess air, equivalent evaporation, boiler efficiency, etc. Calculate minimum air required for combustion of fuel.
Studied and Analyze gas power cycles and vapour power cycles and derive expressions for the performance parameters like thermal efficiency.
Classify various types of boilers, nozzle, steam turbine and condenser used in steam power plant.
Classify various types condenser, nozzle and derived equations for its efficiency.
Draw P-v diagram for single-stage reciprocating air compressor, with and without clearance volume, and evaluate its performance. Differentiate between reciprocating androtary air compressors.
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering
Semester : VI
Sub Code: BTMC601
Understand the process of powder metallurgy and its applications
Calculate the cutting forces in orthogonal and oblique cutting
Evaluate the machinability of materials
Explain the different precision machining processes
Understanding plastic
Sub Code: BTMC602
Define function of bearing and classify bearings.
Understanding failure of bearing and their influence on its selection.
Classify the friction clutches and brakes and decide the torque capacity and friction disk parameter.
Select materials and configuration for machine element like gears.
Design of elements like gears, belts for given power rating
Sub Code: BTMPE603A
Understand various types of I.C. Engines and Cycles of operation.
Analyze the effect of various operating variables on engine performance
Identify fuel metering and fuel supply systems for different types of engines
Understand normal and abnormal combustion phenomena in SI and CI engines
Evaluate performance Analysis of IC Engine and Justify the suitability of IC Engine for different application
Understand the conventional and non-conventional fuels for IC engines and effects of emission formation of IC engines, its effects and the legislation standards
Sub Code: BTMPE604B
Outline the concept of PLM.
Illustrate the PDM system and its importance.
Illustrate the product design process.
Build the procedure for new product development.
Classify and compare various technology forecasting methods.
Outline the stages involved in PLM for a given product.
Sub Code: BTMOE605C
Understand energy problem and need of energy management
Carry out energy audit of simple units
Study various financial appraisal methods
Analyze cogeneration and waste heat recovery systems
Do simple calculations regarding thermal insulation and electrical energy conservation
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering
Semester : VII
Sub Code: BTMC701
Define sensor, transducer and understand the applications of different sensors and transducers
Explain the signal conditioning and data representation techniques
Design pneumatic and hydraulic circuits for a given application
Write a PLC program using Ladder logic for a given application
Understand applications of microprocessor and micro controller
Analyse PI, PD and PID controllers for a given application
Sub Code: BTMC702
Impart fundamental knowledge and skill sets required in the Industrial Management and Engineering profession, which include the ability to apply basic knowledge ofmathematics, probability and statistics, and the domain knowledge of IndustrialManagement and Engineering
Produce ability to adopt a system approach to design, develop, implement and innovate integrated systems that include people, materials, information, equipment and energy.
Understand the interactions between engineering, businesses, technological and environmental spheres in the modern society.
Select materials andUnderstand their role as engineers and their impact to society at the national and global context. configuration for machine element like gears.
Sub Code: BTMPE703C
Classify Non-conventional machining processes.
Understand working principle and mechanism of material removal in various non
Identify process parameters their effect and applications of different processes.
Summarized merits and demerits of non-conventional machining processes.
Explain the mechanism to design hybrid processes such as ELID grinding, EDCG, EDCM,
Understand mechanism and working principle of micro machining using non-conventional
Sub Code: BTMOE704E
Explain the difference between development and sustainable development
Explain challenges of sustainable development and climate change
Explain sustainable development indicators
Analyze sustainable energy options
Understand social and economic aspects of sustainable development
Sub Code: BTMOE705E
Apply the appropriate engineering economics analysis method(s) for problem solving: present worth, annual cost, rate-of-return, payback, break-even, Benefit-cost ratio.
Evaluate the cost effectiveness of individual engineering projects using the methods learned and draw inferences for the investment decisions.
Compare the life cycle cost of multiple projects using the methods learned, and make a quantitative decision between alternate facilities and/or systems.
Compute the depreciation of an asset using standard Depreciation techniques to assess its impact on present or future value.
Apply all mathematical approach models covered in solving engineering economics problems: mathematical formulas, interest factors from tables, Excel functions and graphs. Estimate reasonableness of the results.
Examine and evaluate probabilistic risk assessment methods.
Compare the differences in economic analysis between the private and public sectors. Recognize the limits of mathematical models for factors hard to quantify.
Develop and demonstrate teamwork, project management, and professional communications skills
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering
Semester : VIII
Sub Code: BTMEC801A
Acquire fundamental knowledge of the various systems of an automobile,
Associate the functions of each system with its design and layout,
Depict the various systems using simple schematics, and
Apply concepts learnt in core undergraduate courses to synthesize mathematical models of the various systems.
Sub Code: BTMEC801F
Understand of renewable and non-renewable sources of energy
Gain knowledge about working principle of various solar energy systems
Understand the application of wind energy and wind energy conversion system
Develop capability to do basic design of bio gas plant.
Understand the applications of different renewable energy sources like ocean thermal, hydro, geothermal energy etc.
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering (B Tech)
B.Tech Electrical Engineering
Semester : III
Sub Code: BTBS301
Engineering Mathematics III
Solve problems in engineering domain related to Linear Algebra using matrices.
Analyze and solve engineering problems using Laplace Series.
Analyze and solve engineering problems using Fourier Series.
Solve engineering problems using Complex Integration.
Sub Code: BTEEC302
Electrical Machines-I
Explain construction, working principle and power flow in DC Machines - Generator, Motor and AC Machines-Transformer,3Phase Induction Motor
Classify various machines and understand - characteristics, performance parameters of DC motors, transformer, 3-Phase Induction Motor, equivalent circuit parameters
Analyze various performance parameters of above machines.
Utilize the know-how of testing work for development of final year project.
Solve complex problems in machines which is useful for competitive exams.
Use of software for analysis of electrical machines.
Sub Code: BTEEC303
Electrical and Electronic Measurement
To understand philosophy of measurement.
To understand different methods analog and digital measurement.
To study principle of construction and operation of different transducer and dismay methods.
Sub Code: BTHM304
Basic Human Rights
Identify and evaluate the historical, philosophical, political and cultural developments establishing human rights as a set of global norms, agreements, and procedures.
Explore global human rights institutions, law, and processes, and assess the impact of their interaction with national and local cultural practices and norms.
Examine the impact of diverse geographic, cultural and theoretical contexts on the social acceptance and practical application of human rights norms.
Synthesize interdisciplinary approaches and contributions to topics such as gender, race, poverty, violence and post-colonialism within a human rights framework.
Reflectively evaluate the effectiveness of human rights practice on local, national or international humanitarian efforts.
Sub Code: BTES305
Engineering Material Science
To study about crystal structure.
To understand magnetic material structure.
To study about conducting and superconducting materials
To study dielectric and nano materials.
B.Tech Electrical Engineering
Semester : IV
Sub Code: BTEEC401
Network Theory
Explain the concept of Laplace transform & can apply to solve D.E and integral equation.
To understand principles of various network theorems and network principles.
Evaluate Fourier series and Fourier transform of function in different interval.
Solve P.D.E and apply it for initial value problems and boundary value problems
Sub Code: BTEEC402
Power System
To Understand basic operation of power system, power system components and their characteristics.
Able to select proper methodologies of load flow studies for the power network
Able to develop programs for power system studies.
Able to develop mathematical models for analysis.
Able to apply concepts of Stability analysis
Sub Code: BTEEC403
Electrical Machines-II
To impart knowledge on Construction and performance of salient and non – salient type synchronous generators.
To impart knowledge on Principle of operation and performance of synchronous motor
To impart knowledge on Construction, principle of operation and performance of induction machines.
To impart knowledge on Starting and speed control of threephase induction motors
To impart knowledge on Construction, principle of operation and performance of single phase induction motors and special machines
Sub Code: BTBS404
Analog and Digital Electronics
To review basic number system.
To understand deign and characteristics of digital logic gates. To study different
To design digital systems.
Sub Code: BTEEPE405
(A) Electromagnetic Field Theory
Solve mathematical problems in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems.
Apply basics of electrostatics in different coordinate systems and analyze behavior of electric field in conductor, dielectric and interfaces.
Solve magneto statics of circuits using basic relations to analyze effect of magnetic forces, materials and calculate its inductance.
Ability to solve electromagnetic problems using Maxwell’s equations in for time varying fields
Investigate behavior of EM waves in different medias and to calculate average power density radiated.
Sub Code: BTEEPE405
(B) Signals and Systems
To Understand aperiodic different types of signals-continuous and discrete, odd and even, periodic and etc. Be able to classify systems based on their properties
To familiarize the concepts of transform based continuous time and discrete time analysis of signals and systems
Analyze continuous time signals and systems by using appropriate mathematical tools
Analyze sampling process and sampling of discrete time signals.
Analyze discrete time signals and systems by using appropriate mathematical tools
Determine Fourier transforms for continuous-time and discrete-time signals (or impulse-response functions), and understand how to interpret and plot Fourier transform magnitude and phase functions.
Sub Code: BTEEPE405
(C) Advance Renewable Energy sources
Understand of renewable and non-renewable sources of energy
Gain knowledge about working principle of various solar energy systems
Understand the application of wind energy and wind energy conversion system
Develop capability to do basic design of bio gas plant.
Understand the applications of different renewable energy sources like ocean thermal, hydro, geothermal energy etc.
Sub Code: BTEEPE405
(D) Electronic Devices and Circuitss
Comply and verify parameters after exciting devices by any stated method
Implement circuit and test the performance
Analyze small signal model of FET and MOSFET.
Explain behavior of FET at low frequency
Design an adjustable voltage regulator circuits.
B.Tech Electrical Engineering
Semester : V
Sub Code: BTEEC501
To study different parameters of power system operation and control To study load flow and Diff. methods of reactive power control.
To understand diff. methods of fault analysis and stability study.
Sub Code: BTEEC502
Microprocessor and Microcontroller
To know the architecture of 8085 and 8051.
To understand interfacing and interrupt features of 8085 and 8051. To develop program for basic applications.
Sub Code: BTEEC503
Power Electronics
To review principle of construction, operation and characteristics of basic semiconductor devices.
To understand and analyze performance of controlled and uncontrolled converters.
To understand and analyze performance of DC to DC converters. Dc to AC converters.
To understand and analyze performance of AC voltage controllers.
Sub Code: BTEEPLE504
Demonstrate the implementation benefits of HVDC transmission over EHVAC transmission with respect to economics, performance and technological developments from LCC to VSC based systems.
Illustrate the detailed performance analysis of LCC and VSC converter-valve operation with the study of relevant PWM techniques used in VSCs
Sub Code: BTEEPLE504
B) Power Quality Issues
To study various methods of power quality monitoring.
To Study the production of voltages sags.
To Study the Effects of harmonics on various equipment’s.
Understand power quality monitoring and classification techniques
Sub Code: BTEEPLE504
C) Industrial Automation
Knowledge will be gained on application and utility of Intelligent Industrial Automation used in various sectors and fields.
Understand automation technologies and identify advantages, limitations and applications of the same.
Develop ability to recognize, articulate and solve industrial problems using automation technologies.
Sub Code: BTEEOE505
A) Embedded System
Able to explain embedded systems and its applications.
Able to explain architecture, data transfer and different addressing modes in microcontrollers.
Able to use different components in embedded systems and their assembly.
Able to test their designs using circuit emulators.
Able to appraise circuit emulator results with hardware implementation and real time applications.
Sub Code: BTEEOE505
B) Electrical Safety
Understand the Indian power sector organization and Electricity rules, electrical safety in residential, commercial, agriculture, hazardous areas and use of fire extinguishers.
Outline the electrical safety during installation, testing and commissioning procedure.
Make use of specification of electrical plants and classification of safety equipment for various hazardous locations.
Distinguish various fire extinguishers and their classification.
Sub Code: BTEEOE505
C) Condition Monitoring of Electric Apparatus
Identify and understand the significance of role of condition monitoring.
Assess the condition of various electrical equipments.
Identify amount of damage/deterioration in the electrical equipments.
Check the mechanical integrity of the electrical equipments
Implement condition monitoring plan for complete electrical system
B.Tech Electrical Engineering
Semester : VI
Sub Code: BTEEC601
Switchgear and Protection
To understand principles of protective relaying.
To understand principle of construction, operation and selection of different type of circuit breaker used in power system.
To understand different protection schemes used in power system operation.
Sub Code: BTEEC602
Electrical Machine Design
To understand principles of electric machine design. To design different components of electric machine. To design Transformer.
To understand CAD and use it for transformer design.
Sub Code: BTEEC603
Control System Engineering
To understand the behavior of nonlinear control system. To design and analyze PID controller.
To understand and analyze state variable technique.
To design and analyze suitable control system for engineering application.
Sub Code: BBTEEPE604
A) Flexible AC Transmission System
To understand importance, configuration and types of HVDC transmission
To analyst the operation of HVDC converter, system control and protection.
To understand the concept of FACTS, their role, type and functionality.
To analyze the operation of static series and shunt compensator.
Sub Code: BTEEPE604
B) Smart Grid Technology
Understand the features of Smart Grid.
Assess the role of automation and digitization in the Transmission and Distribution
Analyze Smart grids and Distributed energy resources (DER) with evolutionaryalgorithms.
Understand the operation and importance of data acquisition devices and their location in Voltage and Frequency control
Sub Code: BTEEPE604
C) Modeling, Simulation & Control of Electric Drives
Understand the basics of electric drives and fundamentals of drive dynamics.
Learn and analyze DC drive.
Learn and analyze different steady state speed control methods for Induction motors, and understand the closed loop block diagrams for different methods.
Get introduced to modern synchronous motors and drives.
An ability to use standard methods to determine accurate modeling/simulation parameters for various general‐purpose electrical machines and power electronics devices required for
Sub Code: BTEEOE605
A) E-waste Management
Know about the environmental impacts of e-waste.
Apply various concept learned under e-waste management hierarchy
Distinguished the role of various national and internal act and laws applicable for e-waste management and handling.
Analyze the e – waste management measures proposed under national and global legislations.
Sub Code: BTEEOE605
B) Power Plant Engineering
To review basic components of power system, energy sources.
To understand principle of construction and operation of different conventional power plants.
Sub Code: BTEEOE605
C) Sensor Technology
Graduates will be engineering practitioners and leaders, who would help solve industry’s technological problems
Graduates will be engineering professionals, innovators or entrepreneurs engaged in technology development, technology deployment, or engineering system implementation in industry
Graduates will function in their profession with social awareness and responsibility
Graduates will interact with their peers in other disciplines in industry and society and contribute to the economic growth of the country
Graduates will be successful in pursuing higher studies in engineering or management
Sub Code: BTEEOE605
D) Lightning Interaction with Power System
Students are able tounderstand normal and abnormal switching transients and damping. Able to design the insulation coordination in high voltage systems
Able to know the concept of power system transients in dc and ac three phase circuits.
Able to analyze the lighting phenomenon, fast switching surges in transmission lines.
Able to design the insulation coordination in high voltage systems
B.Tech Electrical Engineering
Semester : VII
Sub Code: BTEEC701
Explain the fundamental concept of power system.
Design the mathematical model of synchronous machine.
Design the mathematical model Excitation system and speed governing system.
Analyze the transient stability of power system using swing equation and equal area criteria.
Analyze the economic operation of power system.
Explain the methods of Voltage control.
Sub Code: BTEEC702
Illustrate the concept of electric field stresses, applications of insulating materials and methods for Non-destructive testing of equipment like transformers, insulators, isolators, bushings, lightning arrestors, cables, circuit breakers and surge diverters.
Explain the breakdown process in solid, liquid, and gaseous materials.
Analyze methods for generation and measurement of High Voltages and Currents (both ac and dc).
Describe the phenomenon of over-voltage and choose appropriate insulation co- ordination levels based on IS & IEC Standards.
Professional Elective (Group F) :
Sub Code: BTEEPE703
(A) Energy Audit and Conservation
Understand energy scenario and policy
Understand the significance and procedure for energy conservation and audit.
Understand causes and remedies for global energy issues.
Analyze, calculate and improve the energy efficiency and performance of electrical utilities.
Analyze, calculate and improve the energy efficiency and performance of mechanical utilities.
Understand the applications of Internet of Things (IoT) in the energy sector.
Sub Code: BTEEPE703
(B) Electrical System Design for Building
Illustrate various electrical design calculations in sizing and selection of electrical equipment
Formulate load estimation for given load curve or consumption
Calculate the power regulation, necessary power factor correction and evaluate the harmonics
Apply various codes, standards, regulations to be followed
Restate the importance of coordination with other discipline
Demonstrate short circuit analysis and perform relay coordination in ETAP software
Sub Code: BTEEPE703
(C) Applications of Power Electronics in Power System
Enhance Theoretical and practical knowledge on modern day semiconductor devices, and control.
Design various AC voltage controllers.
Design various single and three phase inverter.
Understand the simulation model of grid integration of DFIG and PMSG.
Sub Code: BTEEPE703
(D) Electrical Utilization
Able to maintain electric drives used in an industries
Able to identify a heating/ welding scheme for a given application
Able to maintain/ Trouble shoot various lamps and fittings in use
Able to figure-out the different schemes of traction schemes and its main components
Able to design a suitable scheme of speed control for the traction systems
Able to identify the job/higher education / research opportunities in Electric Utilization industry.
Open Elective (Group G) :
Sub Code: BTEEPE703
(A) Process Control Instrumentation
Determine dynamic elements and open loop characteristics of processes for design of feedback controller.
Analyze process control loops to identify its significant elements.
Evaluate closed loop control performance for PID algorithms (P, PI and PID).
Illustrate Cascade, feed-forward, feed-back-feed-forward, Ratio, Selective, Split range and Inferential Control strategies conventional single-loop PID controllers
Design of control system for two input two output process by selecting an appropriate multiloop control configuration from for enhanced process control beyond characterizing loop interactions.
Design of PID controller by direct synthesis and internal model control methods of model based techniques.
Sub Code: BTEEPE703
(B) Biomedical Instrumentation
Understand the physiology of biomedical system
Measure biomedical and physiological information
Discuss the application of Electronics in diagnostics and therapeutic area
Sub Code: BTEEPE703
(C) Mechatronics
Understand characteristics and the components of mechatronics systems
Discuss recent trends in Mechatronics
Describe active & Passive electrical circuits
Describe the techniques are of used to design a mechatronics process.
Suggest possible design solutions
BTEEOE705 : Open Elective (Group H)
Sub Code: BTEEPE703
(A) Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Understand the architecture and vehicle dynamics of electric and hybrid vehicles
Analyze and model the power management systems for electric and hybrid vehicles
Devise power electronics based control strategies for electric and hybrid vehicles
Analyze and design various components of electric and hybrid vehicles with environment concern.
Investigate and model the issues in mathematical domain related to grid interconnections of electric and hybrid vehicle.
Sub Code: BTEEPE703
(B) Internet of Things (IoT)
Explain the basics of electric and hybrid electric vehicles, their architecture, technologies and fundamentals.
Analyze the use of different power electronics devices and electrical machines in hybrid electric vehicles.
Explain the use of different energy storage devices used for hybrid electric vehicles, their technologies and control and select appropriate technology
Interpret working of different configurations of electric vehicles and its components, hybrid vehicle configuration, performance analysis and Energy Management strategies in HEVs.
Sub Code: BTEEPE703
(A) Testing, Maintenance &Commissioning of Electrical Equipment
After learning the course, the students will be able to undertake installation, commissioning and maintenance of electrical equipment.
Preparation of maintenance schedule of different equipment and machines
Trouble shooting chart for various electrical equipment, machines and domestic appliances
Procedure of different types of earthing for different types of electrical installations
Solve higher order linear differential equation using appropriate techniques for modeling and analyzing electrical circuits .
Solve problems related to fourier transform, Laplace transform and applications to communication systems and signal processing.
Perform vector differentiation and integration ,analyze the vector fields and apply to Electromagnetic fields.
Analyze conformal mappings, transformation and performed coutour integration of complex functions in the study of electrostatics and signal processing.
Evaluate diagonalization and applications.
Sub Code: BTETC302
Electronic Devices and Circuits
Comply and verify parameters after exciting devices by any stated method.
Implement circuit and test the performance.
Analyze BJT, JFET and MOSFET for various applications
Analyze Feedback amplifiers and oscillators.
Sub Code: BTETC303
Digital Electronics
Use the basic logic gates and various reduction techniques of digital logic circuit in detail.
Design combinational and sequential circuits.
Design and implement hardware circuit to test performance and application.
Understand the architecture and use of VHDL for basic operations and Simulate using simulation software.
Sub Code: BTES304
Electrical Machines and Instruments
The ability to formulate and then analyze the working of any electrical machine using mathematical model under loaded and unloaded conditions.
The skill to analyze the response of any electrical machine.
The ability to troubleshoot the operation of an electrical machine.
The ability to select a suitable measuring instrument for a given application.
The ability to estimate and correct deviations in measurements due to the influence of the instrument and due to the accuracy of the instrument.
Sub Code: BTETS307
Seminar – I
Identify recent technical topics from interested domains.
Analyze the applicability of modern software tools and technology.
Apply knowledge of mathematics to solve numerical based on network simplification and it will be used to analyze the same.
Design passive filters and attenuators theoretically and practically. To apply knowledge for design of active filters as well as digital filters and even extend this to advance adaptive filters.
Identify issues related to transmission of signals, analyze different RLC networks.
Find technology recognition for the benefit of the society.
Sub Code: BTETC402
Signals and Systems
Understand mathematical description and representation of continuous and discrete time signals and systems.
Develop input output relationship for linear shift invariant system and understand the convolution operator for continuous and discrete time system.
Understand and resolve the signals in frequency domain using Fourier series and Fourier transforms. Understand the limitations of Fourier transform and need for Laplace transform and develop the ability to analyze the system in s-domain.
Understand the limitations of Fourier transform and need for Laplace transform and develop the ability to analyze the system in s-domain.
Sub Code: BTHM403
Basic Human Rights
Students will be able to understand the history of human rights.
Students will learn to respect others caste, religion, region and culture.
Students will be aware of their rights as Indian citizen.
Students will be able to understand the importance of groups and communities in the society
Students will be able to realize the philosophical and cultural basis and historical perspectives of human rights. .
Sub Code: BTBS404
Probability Theory and Random Processes
Understand representation of random signals
Investigate characteristics of random processes
Make use of theorems related to random signals
To understand propagation of random signals in LTI systems.
Apply knowledge of mathematics to solve numerical based on network simplification and it will be used to analyze the same.
Design passive filters and attenuators theoretically and practically. To apply knowledge for design of active filters as well as digital filters and even extend this to advance adaptive filters.
Identify issues related to transmission of signals, analyze different RLC networks.
Find technology recognition for the benefit of the society.
Sub Code: BTETC402
Signals and Systems
Understand mathematical description and representation of continuous and discrete time signals and systems.
Develop input output relationship for linear shift invariant system and understand the convolution operator for continuous and discrete time system.
Understand and resolve the signals in frequency domain using Fourier series and Fourier transforms. Understand the limitations of Fourier transform and need for Laplace transform and develop the ability to analyze the system in s-domain.
Understand the limitations of Fourier transform and need for Laplace transform and develop the ability to analyze the system in s-domain.
Sub Code: BTHM403
Basic Human Rights
Students will be able to understand the history of human rights.
Students will learn to respect others caste, religion, region and culture.
Students will be aware of their rights as Indian citizen.
Students will be able to understand the importance of groups and communities in the society
Students will be able to realize the philosophical and cultural basis and historical perspectives of human rights. .
Sub Code: BTBS404
Probability Theory and Random Processes
Understand representation of random signals
Investigate characteristics of random processes
Make use of theorems related to random signals
To understand propagation of random signals in LTI systems.