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M.Tech. Computer Engineering

At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

Subject Name:-Computer Algorithms

Subject Code:-MTCE1101

CO1: Define the basic concepts of algorithms and analyze the performance of algorithms.
CO2: Discuss various algorithm design techniques for developing algorithms.
CO3: Discuss various searching, sorting and graph traversal algorithms.
CO4: Discuss various advanced topics on algorithms.

Subject Name:-Machine Learning

Subject Code:-MTCE1102

CO1: Recognize the characteristics of machine learning that make it useful to real-world problems.
CO2: Characterize machine learning algorithms as supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised.
CO3: Effectively use machine learning toolboxes.
CO4: Be able to use support vector machines.
CO5: Be able to use regularized regression algorithms.
CO6: Understand the concept behind neural networks for learning non-linear functions.
CO7: Understand and apply unsupervised algorithms for clustering.
CO8: Understand the foundation of generative models.
CO9: Understand the inference and learning algorithms for the hidden Markov model.
CO10: Understand the learning algorithm for hidden Markov model with latent variables.
CO11: Understand algorithms for learning Bayesian networks.
CO12: Understand reinforcement learning algorithms.

Subject Name:-Advanced Computer Networks

Subject Code:-MTCE1103

CO1: Independently understand basic computer network technology.
CO2: Understand and explain Data Communications System and its components.
CO3: Identify the different types of network topologies and protocols.
CO4: Enumerate the layers of the OSI model and TCP/IP. Explain the function(s) of each layer.
CO5: Identify the different types of network devices and their functions within a network.
CO6: Understand and building the skills of subnetting and routing mechanisms.
CO7: Familiarity with the basic protocols of computer networks, and how they can be used to assist in network design and implementation.

Subject Name:-Cloud Computing – Elective-I

Subject Code:-MTCE1104A

CO1: Explain the core concepts of the cloud computing paradigm: how and why this paradigm shift came about, the characteristics, advantages and challenges brought about by the various models and services in cloud computing.
CO2: Apply the fundamental concepts in datacenters to understand the tradeoffs in power, efficiency and cost.
CO3: Identify resource management fundamentals, i.e. resource abstraction, sharing and sandboxing and outline their role in managing infrastructure in cloud computing.
CO4: Analyze various cloud programming models and apply them to solve problems on the cloud.

Subject Name:-High Performance Computing – Elective-II

Subject Code:-MTCE1105D

CO1: Understand the role of HPC in science and engineering.
CO2: Use HPC platforms and parallel programming models.
CO3: Able to measure, analyse and assess the performance of HPC applications and their supporting hardware.
CO4: Able to administration, scheduling, code portability and data management in an HPC environment, with particular reference to Grid Computing.
CO5: Analyse the suitability of different HPC solutions to common problems found in Computational Science.

Subject Name:-Communication Skill

Subject Code:-MTCE1106

CO1: Understand the role of communication in personal & professional success.
CO2: Develop awareness of appropriate communication strategies.
CO3: Prepare and present messages with a specific intent.
CO4: Analyze a variety of communication acts.
CO5: Ethically use, document and integrate sources.

Subject Name:-Data Science

Subject Code:-MTCE1201

CO1: Apply quantitative modeling and data analysis techniques to the solution of real world business problems, communicate findings, and effectively present results using data visualization techniques.
CO2: Recognize and analyze ethical issues in business related to intellectual property, data security, integrity, and privacy.
CO3: Apply ethical practices in everyday business activities and make well-reasoned ethical business and data management decisions.
CO4: Demonstrate knowledge of statistical data analysis techniques utilized in business decision making.
CO5: Apply principles of Data Science to the analysis of business problems
CO6: Use data mining software to solve real-world problems.
CO7: Employ cutting edge tools and technologies to analyze Big Data.
CO8: Apply algorithms to build machine intelligence.
CO9: Demonstrate use of team work, leadership skills, decision making and organization theory.

Subject Name:-Software Architecture

Subject Code:-MTCE1202

CO1: Students will cite knowledge of various approaches to document a software system (Remembering)
CO2: Students will be able to describe functional and non-functional requirements (Understanding)
CO3: Students will be able to use proper architecture for software (Applying)
CO4: Students will be able to categorize different components used in the software system (Analyzing)
CO5: Students will be able to choose from different architectural styles (Evaluating)
CO6: Students will be able to improve quality of software by selecting proper architecture (Creating)

Subject Name:-Software Testing – Elective III

Subject Code:-MTCE1203A

CO1: Investigate the reason for bugs and analyze the principles in software testing to prevent and remove bugs.
CO2: Implement various test processes for quality improvement.
CO3: Design test planning.
CO4: Manage the test process.
CO5: Apply the software testing techniques in commercial environment.
CO6: Use practical knowledge of a variety of ways to test software and an understanding of some of the tradeoffs between testing techniques.

Subject Name:-Mobile Computing – Elective IV

Subject Code:-MTCE1204C

CO1: Explain the principles and theories of mobile computing technologies.
CO2: Describe infrastructures and technologies of mobile computing technologies.
CO3: List applications in different domains that mobile computing offers to the public, employees, and businesses.
CO4: Describe the possible future of mobile computing technologies and applications.

Subject Name:-Object Oriented Systems – Elective V

Subject Code:-MTCE1205B

CO1: Demonstrate the ability to apply the knowledge of object oriented concepts for solving system modeling and design problems.
CO2: Design and implement object oriented models using UML appropriate notations.
CO3: Ability to apply the concepts of object oriented methodologies to design cleaner software’s from the problem statement.
CO4: Apply the concept of domain and application analysis for designing UML Diagrams.
CO5: Comprehend the concept of architectural design approaches for system design and implementation issues for object oriented models.
CO6: Illustrate the concept of patterns for constructing software architectures.

Subject Name:-Project Management and Intellectual Property Rights (Self Study)

Subject Code:-MTCE2101

CO1: Identify different types of Intellectual Properties (IPs), the right of ownership, scope of protection as well as the ways to create and to extract value from IP.
CO2: Recognize the crucial role of IP in organizations of different industrial sectors for the purposes of product and technology development.
CO3: Identify activities and constitute IP infringements and the remedies available to the IP owner and describe the precautious steps to be taken to prevent infringement of proprietary rights in products and technology development.
CO4: Be familiar with the processes of Intellectual Property Management (IPM) and various approaches for IPM and conducting IP and IPM auditing and explain how IP can be managed as a strategic resource and suggest IPM strategy.
CO5: Be able to anticipate and subject to critical analysis arguments relating to the development and reform of intellectual property right institutions and their likely impact on creativity and innovation.
CO6: Be able to demonstrate a capacity to identify, apply and assess ownership rights and marketing protection under intellectual property law as applicable to information, ideas, new products and product marketing.