“Engineer’s Day Celebration 2022”

Dear Sir/Madam,
We are glad to share that, CESA, EESA, MESA & TESA of Godavari Foundation’s, Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon, under the aegis of IQAC, is organizing, Digital Poster Competition & Zig-Zag Memory Event on 15th September 2022 on the occasion of “Engineer’s Day”.
Registration Link: https://forms.gle/4LtmVaWbZa5qT27t5
Chief Guest:
Shri. Sanjay Kumar,
The General Manager,
Telecom Business Area Head,
BSNL, Jalgaon.
For any query contact student coordinators:
For Digital Poster Competition-
Mr. Mahendra Mistri, (Computer Engg.) – 9691896682,
Mr. Yogeshwar Koli, (Electrical Engg.) – 7666400931.
For Zig-Zag Memory Event-
Ms. Roshani Patil, (Mechanical Engg.) – 9834582023,
Ms. Bhagyashree Mandwale, (ENTC Engg.) – 7410548830.
Prof. Deepak Zambre,
Coordinator (Polytechnic),
Godavari Foundation’s, Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon.
Prof. Hemant T. Ingale,
Dean – Academics,
Godavari Foundation’s, Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon.
Dr. Vijaykumar,
Godavari Foundation’s, Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon.
Dr Vijaykumar Patil, Principal Godavari Foundation’s Godavari College of Engineering Jalgaon received and felicitated Mr Ravindra Chaudhari, President Leva Chamber of Commerce Industries and Agriculture, Vice Chairman Ranjangaon Industries Association alongside Mr Vikas Warke Director Felix ITs Pune, Shri Purushottam S Pimpale & Krishna G Khadse Leva Bhatrumandal Pimpri Saudagar Pune. Placement Opportunities, Incubation, Startup, Centre of Excellence, CEO Connect Program Innovation & Scholarship for deserving candidates discussed and planned for *Academic Year 2022-23. Dr Vijaykumar Wankhede Training and Placement Officer, Prof Hemant T Ingale Dean Academics and Prof Tushar Koli represented GF’s Godavari College of Engineering Jalgaon